Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions

Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions

Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions - the current state of Russia .... I will focus on Russia's neighboring countries from Mr. H before, have studied what kind of balance of power in the world in the heart of the former Soviet Union countries have been waged. But until now had things captured by the scheme that Russia and the West, recently increased China's momentum, able to see only in Eurasia scheme that Western Russia has become impossible. First of all, in Russia and China relationship, where recent honeymoon feel like have become quite the real thing. Not long ago, even while the power struggle with each other, in a very complex relationship that always Crossed tag in terms of opposition to the United States, and yet, Russia was the attitude that must not absolutely China's junior partner . It has been striving to maintain the power balance in it to cooperate with Asian countries other than China, including Japan as a relative strategy for the. It is, began to show the changes, such as that can not be helped even in the China of the little brother during the the past year, in fact, to Asian destinations has been to establish a China priority principle.

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