Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions

Irony that Russia saved the Obama

Hit by Russia and honeymoon even economic sanctions Irony that Russia saved the Obama A fall of diplomacy. Obama President of the United States fell into a predicament in Syria problem. In the civil war is prolonged, it is difficult to sit the Syrian Assad regime to use chemical weapons on civilians. In Syria ten million people more than in the past two and a half years have lost their lives. This is almost the same number as the victims of the Bosnian civil war. Also, refugees to neighboring countries from Syria amounting to two hundred million people. However, the United States is in the process of being and attempts to transfer shaft foot of the strategy in the Pacific Ocean Asia from the Middle East. Not repeated even failure in the Iraq war. Reliance of the United Kingdom is not Fumikire to military action, there is no legal basis for the United States to attack Syria. Congress is also reluctant to be military intervention public opinion. On the other hand the value of morals and human rights, a conflict between constraint factors that power balance and domestic on the other hand.

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